There are many occasions throughout the year, where you may be in the position of having to buy a gift for the man in your life. It could be your dad, your brother, your partner, or a very good friend, and you may find yourself struggling to think of the perfect gift for him, especially if you have left it to the last minute.
Luxury Bed Laptop Tray
Let’s say you were considering a tie, for example. It is, after all, a classic and dare I say it a stereotypical gift for men. There are men out there who will appreciate a tie, don’t get me wrong, but they tend to be the men who dress sharply, and never wear anything that is out of season. That type of man would definitely appreciate a new tie……but he is not most men!
So, when it comes to choosing a luxury gift for men, what is the most important thing to remember? Well, first and foremost the gift you bestow on the special man should be something that reflects the man he is, and not the man that you want him to be. So, don’t buy him a gift that is going to push him right out of his comfort zone, unless he has specifically asked for it! For example, many people nowadays think they are doing their elderly parents a favour by bestowing them with gifts of smartphones & tablets to keep in touch and share pictures of the grandchildren. Lots of these gifts remain unused, and can be a source of tension and frustration. Unfortunately, this is usually because the giftee has thought about what they want, rather than what the recipient wants!
Luxury Photo Frames
If you want to give a luxury gift for men, that they will really like, then think about what he likes to do in his free time. Try and find out what TV shows he watches, what websites he browses, what magazines he reads. When he has time to himself, does he watch the football, do some gardening or go fishing? Does he like to fix things around the house, even if they don’t need fixing, and then tell you all about what a great job he has done? Is he always ringing you up to tell you about the great trip he’s been on, or the fantastic show he has seen? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then that is where you should focus your gift shopping. You should be able to find something appropriate for his personal likes and dislikes, or at least a relevant card, with only a little bit of effort. Buying tickets to a sporting event or a theatre show can be a great treat – especially if it something he enjoys but hasn’t done for a while. And you could present him the tickets in one of our beautiful luxury
lying-down boxes (which he could use as a decorative item afterwards), and even follow up with a photograph of him and yourself on the day in one of our
luxury wooden photo cubes. An amazing way for him to remember the special thought you gave him.
Keeping in with the photo theme, how about going through some of the pictures you have of him and yourself, and making a photo collage in a set of our luxury photo cubes? Men can be sentimental, and many dads and grandads have a sense of pride in their offspring, so placing some special memories into a
cube which he can display in his home or his office, is a really special thing to do.
So, do a little bit of homework about his likes and dislikes, and you should be able to find a gift which speaks to him directly, a gift he will treasure, and one he will use for many years to come.
To find out more about iWoodesign’s range of luxury gifts for men, please visit our website at