Environmental Policy

Environmental Policy

iWoodesign (iWD) is committed to the preservation of a sustainable supply of timber. This allows our customers to enjoy their chosen products which are manufactured out of one of the most beautiful and versatile materials in the world.

iWD's supplier, Reliance Veneer Co. Ltd., has environmental credentials which start from the principal of sustained forest management in not only choosing their own suppliers but also in how forests are managed. Audits are carried out on all suppliers of raw material to Reliance Veneer.

No suppliers that do not pass Reliance Veneer's audits will act as their suppliers and they will only deal with countries that have a sound environmental policy that satisfies International Standards.

Should a country have difficulty in enforcing a policy due to either human or technical problems or underlying political or land tenure problems, Reliance Veneer will not import or deal with any suppliers from that country.

Reliance Veneer is FSC and PEFC registered. It has been at the forefront on reducing the thickness of veneers so as to maximize the yield of the raw material. iWD is very proud to have them as their supplier.

iWD's supplier, Reliance Veneer, also strictly follows laws, rules, regulations and guidance from Governmental Organisations from various countries. These include:

Moving forward, iWD is now fully compliant with the US Lacy Act and as such will provide a declaration stating where the timber was harvested for US customers when requested.

Reliance Veneer can be found at www.relianceveneer.co.uk.

We do not use real shagreen on our backgammon sets as this would require the use of stingray.

All our faux shagreen inserts are made in Germany using a special resin that is waterproof and easy to clean with a slightly damp cloth.

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