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How to Find the Perfect Christmas Gift

Christmas is a lovely time of year, but sometimes finding the right Christmas presents for loved ones, can prove time-consuming and stressful, especially if you’ve left it last minute and are having to trawl around busy shopping centres on Christmas Eve! Not ideal.

If you are lucky and ask a family member what they would like for Christmas, and they reply with a feasible answer - problem solved! Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case and some people think that buying gifts this way take away all of the surprise and romance out of gift-giving – but for others, it works really well. If you would like to wow your loved ones with personal and thoughtful gifts this Christmas, then iWoodesign, a luxury gifts company, have compiled a list of our top tips.

Make a List

The first thing to do is to create a list of people you have to buy Christmas gifts for, then you can tick them off as you go and keep tabs on things you still need to buy. Another advantage of this is that you can shop year round. If you suddenly think of a great idea for a Christmas present in June, you can record it here and then refer back to it when the time comes.

Don’t Underestimate Online Shopping

What could be more convenient than sitting on the sofa in the comfort of your home, with a brew in hand, and browsing shops online. In this digital age, almost all retail companies have online shops, meaning that you can leisurely browse collections and products and order them with a mere touch of a button. In addition, with an increasing number of retailers offering affordable and rapid next day delivery, there is no excuse for gifts arriving late this Christmas!


Buying a luxury Christmas gift for a loved one is a nice gesture, but it must be said that sometimes people underestimate the DIY gift. A self-made gift shows the receiver that you have taken the time and effort to carefully construct a present just for them. If you knit or sew, why not make a scarf, hat or napkin, or if you’re a photographer, create a collage of your favourite memories together. After all, it’s not the gift, but the thought that really counts.

Gifts to Share

It is always such a nice idea to get a gift that is something you can share, regardless of what is it. Days out, concerts, tickets or a holiday are all great gift ideas, because you as the gift-giver get to share in the experience and create some lovely memories together.

If you’re still struggling to think of great Christmas gift ideas, then head over to iWoodesign. We have a fantastic range of luxury Christmas gifts for sale, including luxury backgammon sets, bathroom accessories, tray sets, kitchen sets and much more!To find out more about the exquisite luxury gifts we offer, please call iWoodesign on 0208 802 2425 or email us at [email protected].